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Substance Stance

Lavanda’s events will be (mostly) dry. In the interest of transparency, here's an explanation of why we’ve made this choice .

Why Dry?

Safety and Liability

As a small grassroots organization we are limited in resources and want to keep everyone, including ourselves, safe. It is easiest for us to monitor the crowd and limit conflict when everyone involved is in a sober mind making sober decisions.

Alternative Spaces

The majority of lgbt+ spaces, events, and activities in both Boston and the world are centered around alcohol, partying, and other substances. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, we want Lavanda to be an alternative to these spaces. Many people who don’t partake in substance use struggle with feeling judged, excluded, or triggered in these spaces. Lavanda is a place that strives to be inclusive and reflective of our community. As the number of sober and sober curious people rises we feel it’s imperative that there are more dry spaces to reflect this and meet community needs.

Community & Risk

An estimated 20 to 30% of the LGBTQ+ community abuses substances, compared to about 9% of the general population.
-Addiction Center

In 2020, approximately 21.8% of sexual minority adults had an alcohol use disorder in the past year.
-The NSDUH survey

Research shows that the lgbtqia+ community is at a disproportionate risk of developing a substance use disorder. We hope that creating dry events encourages members of our community to explore and learn to be comfortable expressing, celebrating, and connecting to their queerness without the influence of a mind altering substance.

Younger generations, especially Gen Z, are adopting this approach. Sixty-one percent of Gen Z plan to drink less in 2024, up 53% from 2023 when just 40% felt this way.

What does this look like?


Some venues are open to all ages events / no bar during day time hours.

Mocktail Menu

We have started asking venues if they are willing to replace or add a mocktail menu to supplement sales.

Rental Spaces and Outdoor Events

Though it’s expensive, renting allows us to ensure the venues make money and keep these festivals substance free.

Outdoor events and public events, especially during the day, are typically substance free.

Will every festival be totally dry?

The goal is yes, but in the case of a matinee that takes place in a venue that does sell alcohol, we defer to the venue’s policies. We will not stop or prohibit the purchase or consumption of alcohol in these venues.

 What does this mean for upcoming events?

We will make a note on posters, posts, ect of our policy and the venues policy.

What happens if I bring a substance to a dry festival?

In the case that we see or suspect that someone is using or distributing alcohol or drugs at a dry event this person will be asked to leave.

Why Now?

In truth it was always my intention for Lavanda to be dry. During the first few months of developing Lavanda I discussed this with industry professionals who told me making these events dry would “exclude people who drink” and “make it more difficult to book venues”.
While it’s true that this choice has and will continue to make it difficult to find physical space, as most music venues rely heavily on alcohol sales to make a profit, I don’t believe this excludes people who drink, in fact I think this creates a more inclusive environment.
I myself am not sober, but I do typically choose to refrain from substance use for a variety of reasons. I am involved in recovery communities and have loved ones who are sober. Because of my own experience and watching my loved ones move through recovery I have seen first hand how difficult it can be to find spaces and communities that accept sobriety.
I was initially hesitant to take a strong stance because of the advice I was given. The last thing I want is to exclude people. But after reflecting on our mission and discussing with the team we have decided to move forward aiming to have our events dry.
-Emma Whitney

Thank You! <3

The Lavanda team appreciates you all taking the time to read this and hopes that this choice will be met with consideration and understanding. If anything in this post is unclear, you have questions, concerns, or other comments, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

A note to / about venues:

If you know of or are involved with a venue that would be a good fit and support our mission, we would love to connect. We are open to finding creative solutions to support this mission while ensuring everyone involved is properly compensated.



If you or someone you know is strugglign with substance use please take a look at our resources page



Social Media: @lavandaboston

Contact form / Anonymous Feedback-

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